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Never Stop Loving You

Am I Wrong Wrote by Schaa Serizawa

Not lovely as the day 
That , I would like to be with you 
No space in your heart for me anymoree 
For me to tell all what I've felt 
But youu dont belive 
Who is me in you heart?
Yeahh , maybe I distrupt your life
Please forgive me
I can't make you happy
There will be the time
I do go nevertheless
Ending it all
Am I wrong 
That I just wwant to love you
Am I wrong 
That I just want to be close to you
Am I wrong 
That I just want to be with you all the time
Am ~~~ I wronnng 
That I just can't leave youu 
I can't I just can't ~

What you all think ? Kay , Scha tulis je lirik ni . Taktau pun nak buat apa lepas ni . Scha bukan artis macam amir hariz . So , I thought biar je lah kan . A lyrics without a music was like my life wwithout you MOMMY <3 Hihi , I dont even know what to do with this lyrics . Anyone ? Idea ? Pfft , :) Thats ALLL . Assalamualaikumm 
Told by :> ,Scha

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