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Never Stop Loving You

Yesterday is only a history

Hey fellas , lama xupdate kan kan ? Nak cerita pasal semalam . Haha , today takde apa pun nak story . Semalam jee . So , yesterday I wokeup . Kemas rumah semua . Then about 12 Kak Ieda datang . So , borak-2 . Tetiba aku rasa lapar semacam . Dekat rumah takde benda nak makan pulak . Kak Ieda pergi beli maggi . Ingat dia beli maggi je duh --" Sekali dia balik dia bawak air yoghurt tu dua botol semua en . Ya Allah , dah lah dia belikan aku chocolate cadbury yang besar tu for aku punya upah pasal edit blog dia . Baik betul dia tu . Then , dia cerita lah pasal Budak 'A' tu . Ya Allah , kesian gila dekat kak ieda . Scha speechless babe dengar cerita tu . Hmm , sabar je lah kak . Dah itu Allah tulis dalam carta hidup akak kan . Sabar and doa jee . Scha doakan semoga Allah terangkan hati akak , tenangkan hati akak dan tabahkan akak untuk hadapi semua dugaan ni .

Lepastuu , abit while . My mom wokeup . So , we cooked maggi ^^ Because we're starving actually . Ohmyy , starving starving . Yeah , thats me ! Hihi , and then . We have nothing to do . I came out with this tiring things . Guess what did I suggested ? 'POTONG RUMPUT ! Well , guna gunting tahu ? Aiyoo amaa . While we were cutting the grass . Kak Ieda found this hole round in shape . So , Kak Ieda ask me 'Lubang apa ni dik ?' While pegang permukaan lubang tu . Tengah kak Ieda pegang tu tetiba jee ada benda keluar T________T Menjerit kitorang . Serious , we cant identify what was that thing . It was like a worm thingy . But , it have a leg like a frog . Now , I think maybe that is a frog >< Well , if that is a real frog . I dont mind . But , if its not ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Well , I dont know what to think . Haha ,

We're done cutting the grass . We came in . Then , Kak Ieda borak-2 with mak . And my mom ask to help her arranged the house . Huargghh , we have to lift a sofa . It is F_ _KING HEAVY man ! Aiyooo , then . DONE! Kak Ieda thought wanna sleepover at my house  . But , her parents cant give her the permision . Hmm , T__T Itsokayhh , maybe next time right ? Thats all . :) I have a great time also at mommy's house ^^ Mommy has a nice huge house ! I loveit!

Thats all , beboii .. 
Told by :> ,Scha

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